MobiMed enRoute navigationsystem for blue light workers

Saving vital seconds


Navigation, case management and mass casualty management.

Designed to establish a new standard in case management and navigation, MobiMed enRoute is optimized to meet the specific needs of emergency personnel. It not only assists in maintaining control but is also user-friendly, ensuring access to the right information at the right time

Closeup on MobiMed enRoute
MobiMed enRoute is a navigation and case management system. It can work all over the world. This icon of the globe is representing that
MobiMed enRoute is a prehospital healthcare management. This is a icon of a walkie talkie
MobiMed enRoute makes it easy reporting and gives a smooth workflow for ambulance paramedics. This is a icon of arrows making a circle
MobiMed enRoute is integrated with the command center. This icon reads SOS and connects to the rescue service
In case of emergency


Navigation plays a pivotal role in handling medical emergencies. The navigation app is crafted to swiftly and safely guide emergency workers to the right destination. With real-time updated maps and a user-friendly design, it significantly reduces response time and enhances traffic safety.


The case app within MobiMed EnRoute serves as the cornerstone of optimal case management. Fully integrated with the dispatch center and the MobiMed Unity suite, it provides all necessary information tailored to the organisations requirements.


Currently, ambulance services rely on paper and pen for note-taking during serious incidents. However, with MobiMed enRoute, this process becomes digital, reducing the risk of information loss. MobiMed enRoute enables healthcare leaders to streamline workflows and enhance communication between different stakeholders, particularly in critical situations.

MobiMed enRoute screenshot på hur interfacet kan se ut
enroute navigation system installed in a car at the rescue service helping showing the way

Avoid delays and get there faster by taking advantage of real-time traffic data from several different sources.

MobiMed enRoute installerat i räddningstjänstens fordon för att snabbt ge information om bäst resväg till olycksplats

Know where you are going when it matters most. The destination is entered automatically based on information from the dispatch.

MobiMed enRoute installed in an ambulance

See the map in 2D, 3D, satellite view or a combination of these.

Icon quote in the color white

“We see that MobiMed enRoute has many great features, such as live maps and a highly responsive navigation function that is appreciated by users.”

Rickard Sahlin
Fleet Manager, Region Jämtland Härjedalen
MobiMed monitor at Gotland

MobiMed Monitor

Real time monitoring and sharing of vital signs and ECG.

Electronic patient record for the ambulance

MobiMed ePR

Electronic patient record for efficient, intuitive documentation and smart decision support.

Close-up of MobiMed FleetCtrl, which helps you take control of the vehicle fleet

MobiMed FleetCtrl

Regular controls, check lists and documentation tools for streamlined fleet management.

MobiMed life placed on bridge to use in case of emergency.

MobiMed Life

Heart safe solutions with stand alone defibrillators.

Ortivus MobiMed digital record system

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