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Nomination Committee
Learn more about Ortivus’ Nomination Committee
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The Chairman of the Board shall, as soon as the registered ownership in the company as of September 30, be published, contact the three largest (based on votes) shareholders, and ask them to appoint one member each to the Nomination Committee. If such a shareholder refuses to appoint a member, the fourth largest shareholder shall be asked, and so on. The appointed members shall together with the Chairman of the board constitute the nomination committee. The Nomination Committee shall appoint a chairman. The names of the members of the Nomination Committee shall be published no later than six months before the Annual General Meeting. The Nomination Committee’s task is to present proposals to the Annual General Meeting regarding the number of Board members, the composition of the Board, and the auditor. In addition, the Nomination Committee shall submit proposals for the Chairman of the Board and the Annual General Meeting, and submit proposals to the Annual General Meeting for fees to the Board and auditors. In connection with its assignment, the Nomination Committee shall otherwise fulfill the tasks that, according to the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance, pertaining to the Nomination Committee.