News Tag: Corporate Information
Viveka Hiort af Ornäs resigns as Chief Finance Officer at Ortivus
Ortivus announces that Viveka Hiort af Ornäs, the company’s Chief Financial Officer, is leaving Ortivus to pursue new opportunities outside the organization.
Jörgen Petersen resigns as Service & Support Manager at Ortivus
Ortivus announces that Jörgen Petersen, the company’s Service & Support Manager, is leaving Ortivus to pursue new opportunities outside the organization.
The Nomination Committee proposes a new Chairman of the Board for Ortivus AB
The Nomination Committee proposes Anna-Carin Strandberg for election as the new Chairman of the Board of Ortivus AB at the Annual General Meeting on May 8, 2024. This decision follows the announcement by the current Chairman of the Board, Anders Paulsson, to the Nomination Committee that he will not be available for re-election.
Magnus Mårtensson resigns as Chief Product Officer at Ortivus
Ortivus announces that Magnus Mårtensson, the company’s Chief Product Officer, is leaving Ortivus to pursue new opportunities outside the organization.