Picture of Dennis Fenton who works as Marketing and Communications Coordinator at Ortivus


Vi välkomnar Dennis Fenton som Ortivus nya Marknads- och Kommunikationskoordinator!

Dennis has solid experience working as a coordinator and project manager within marketing and communications. Prior to joining us, Dennis worked as a Production Manager at Gimlit in Uppsala since 2021, where he gained experience in multimedia design and creating visual concepts that inspire customers. He has studied Marketing Communication at the University of Gävle and before that he worked with companies such SVT, Titan Television and Baluba Sweden as a project coordinator, cameraman, and editor for over eight years.

Dennis is excited to be working for Ortivus. Being able to join the marketing team and help Ortivus reach new heights and further develop the Marketing Department is really inspiring.

”I am confident that Dennis’ skills and experience will make a positive impact on our team and our company as a whole. Dennis’ great commitment and creativity will lift our inte
ational marketing to new levels! A warm welcome to our team Dennis!”
– says Joanna Daffy, Marketing and Communications Manager at Ortivus.




