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Corporate Governance
Read more about Ortivus’ Management team and Board of Directors

Ortivus’ governance system
Corporate governance is the system that governs how shareholders exercise control over a company. Ortivus AB is a Swedish public limited company with its registered office in Danderyd, whose A and B shares are listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Sweden.
The basis for governance of Ortivus AB is contained in the Articles of Association, the Swedish Companies Act and other applicable Swedish rules and regulations.
Governance, management, and control are distributed between the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors and the CEO in accordance with the rules laid down in the Swedish Companies Act, (see www.bolagsstyrning.se) Stockholm’s rules for issuers, the Articles of Association and internal regulations decided by the Board of Directors and management. The collaboration with the Company’s auditors, appointed by the Annual General Meeting, constitutes an integral part of the work, focusing on the management of the Board and the President and the company’s financial reports. Control and control systems have been adapted to the size and operations of the company.
The corporate governance report is available in the company’s annual report.


You can find more information about
Mr. Nordenhök below.

You can find more information about
Mrs. Strandberg below.
Articles of Association
The current Articles of Association were adopted at the Annual General Meeting on May 9, 2016. It is stated in the Articles of Association that the company’s operations are to conduct development, manufacture, sales and service and support of medical, technical and customer-supporting products and services, as well as conducting other compatible activities. The Articles of Association stipulate, among other things, how many votes each share class (A or B shares) entail, number of Board members and auditors, that the Annual General Meeting shall be held once a year within six months after the end of the financial year, how the notice of the Annual General Meeting shall take place, and that the company has its headquarters in Danderyd, Sweden.
For more information about the current Articles of Association, please see Ortivus bolagsordning. (in Swedish)

Remuneration Committee
The Remuneration Committee has an advisory function regarding remuneration issues within the company. The Remuneration Committee consists of the Chairman of the Board and a Board member. No separate remuneration has been paid for the work of the Remuneration Committee.
The Remuneration Committee, as well as the Board, shall annually, evaluate the company’s remuneration system for senior executives.

In addition to the audit of the annual accounts, the audit also includes an ongoing review of the year’s accounts and management, which also includes an audit of internal procedures and control systems. Furthermore, a statutory review of the Group’s corporate governance report and a review of whether the Annual General Meeting’s guidelines on remuneration to senior executives have been followed are carried out. The company’s auditor is also present at certain board meetings to discuss the audit plan and observations from the audit. The company’s auditor also meets the Board without the presence of representatives from the company.
The Annual General Meeting elects the auditors in Ortivus for a period of one year until the next Annual General Meeting. For the period up to the Annual General Meeting 2025, BDO Mälardalen AB was elected as the auditing firm. BDO Mälardalen AB appointed Authorized Public Accountant Beata Lihammar as auditor in charge.

Evaluation of the Board of Directors and the CEO
Once a year, the Chairman initiates an evaluation of the Board’s work. The purpose of the evaluation is to get an idea of the board members’ opinion on how the work of the board is conducted and what measures can be taken to streamline the work of the board. The result of the board evaluation has been communicated to the Nomination Committee.
The Board continuously evaluates the CEO’s work by following the development of the business towards set goals.

Board of Directors

Education: Master’s degree in Economics from Umeå Univerity.
Experience Anna-Carin has over 25 years experience from leading international marketing, sales and business development positions within the medtech and software industry. She is since 2020 the CEO of Philips Sweden, where she is leading an organisation with approx. 300 employees. Prior to that, Anna-Carin has held different leading positions at Elekta for over 20 years.
Board positions:Board member of Philips AB.
Shareholding: No shares. Independent in relation to the company and the main shareholders.

Education: BA, Gothenburg University School of Business, Economics & Law.
Experience: Managing Director of Ponderus Invest AB. More than 25 years experience of professional asset management.
Board positions: Board member of Hälsopoolen, Wallstreet AB, Oryx AB and Technology Nexus AB.
Shareholding: (Through companies and private including related) 20,624 A- shares, 11,349,739 B-shares. Independent in relation to the company but not in relation to the major shareholders.

Education: Master’s degree in Economics from Gothenburg Univerity.
Experience Ulf has over 30 years experience from leading international marketing and sales positions within the medtech and pharmaceutical industry. Since 2023, Ulf has served as the CEO of Adcare, a company that delivers cost-effective system solutions to enhance healthcare in the Nordic region.
Board positions:Board member Denator AB.
Shareholding: No shares. Independent in relation to the company and the main shareholders.

Education: Master of Science in Accounting and Finance from the Stockholm School of Economics.
Experience: Anna has previous experience from Scandinavian Health Partner AB, Colonix Medical Ltd (now Origin Sciences Ltd), McKinsey & Co and Medtronic Inc. Anna is an entrepreneur and advisor within the health care sector.
Board positions: Chairman of Hemcheck Sweden AB (publ) and Curus AB, board member of ADDI Medical AB, Word Diagnostics AB and NRATIV AB
Shareholding: 108,800 B- shares and 50,000 call options issued by Ponderus Invest AB. Independent in relation to the company and the main shareholders.
Certified advisor
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Internal control and risk management
According to the Swedish Companies Act, the Board is responsible for internal control. This description is primarily limited to internal control over financial reporting, but for Ortivus as a medical technology company, product quality and the clinical and medical aspects are important focus areas.
Ortivus’ Board of Directors, management and employees, governance, management and control must always be balanced with regard to the size of the company, for example, the company has no department for internal audit. Ortivus has a series of processes and control systems where control needs have been balanced with risk assessment and where the company size and complexity have been taken into account.
Ortivus AB’s Board annually establishes rules of procedure for its work, as well as the CEO’s instructions and policies for important areas of finance, quality, risk management and information.
Ortivus’ CEO and management have full operational responsibility for internal control. Based on the Board’s guidelines, laws and regulations regarding financial reporting, the management has determined the distribution of roles and responsibilities for employees who work with the financial reporting within the Group.
Ortivus policies, guidelines, manuals and other governing documents are available to the personnel primarily through the company’s management system. The management is responsible for ensuring that the staff is aware of current policies and guidelines. Information meetings with the employees are held on a regular basis, at least once a month. Ortivus is a small company and the handling of these issues therefore primarily takes place as part of the day-to-day management work and managerial responsibility.
The objective of Ortivus’ risk assessment is to capture, analyze and manage current and future risks, thereby securing the Group’s growth, financial result and position. Ortivus management and board work continuously and actively with risk assessment and risk management to ensure that the risks are handled appropriately within the framework established.
The management regularly reviews and quantifies the risks, which are reported to the Board. Ortivus also cooperates closely with the company’s auditors to identify risks in financial reporting at an early stage.
Ortivus has deliberately, given the size of the company, chosen not to set up a separate function for internal control, but this work is managed by delegates as part of the day-to-day management work. Regular external audits are carried out for the quality systems according to the current regulations.
Information about Ortivus’ governing documents such as Group policies, manuals and guidelines is accessible at the company’s management system. Ortivus continuously provides the market with information about the Group’s financial position and development via, for example, interim reports, press releases and website. The Board of Directors has, given the size and situation of the company, only issue financial reporting in Swedish.
Group management

Employed: 2024
Education: BSc in Business and Administration, Uppsala University
Experience: Gustaf Nordenhök has extensive experience working as CEO both in the medtech field and the software industry, in Sweden as well as internationally, with nearly 10 years of experience in selling SaaS solutions to the healthcare sector.
Shareholding: 90 431 B- shares. Independent in relation to the main shareholders.

Employed: 2014
Education: Bachelor of Science with specialisation in medical technology, Royal Institute of Technology.
Experience: Multi-year experience from project management, delivery and sales, most recently Maquet Critical Care AB.

Employed: 2024
Education: Secondary teacher education in mathematics and physics, Stockholm University of Education
Experience: Since 2000, Johan has worked in company management positions as CEO and CFO. The areas of operation have varied between schools, health care and environmental technology. Johan also has experience as a senior advisor in corporate transactions, M&A.
Shareholding: 71 692 B- shares

Employed: 2022
Education: MSc Industrial Engineering and Business Management, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
Experience: With solid experience, Jessica has previously been active in Fast Movable Consumer Goods (FMCG). Throughout her career, Jessica has held several senior positions and she most recently came from the role of Senior Supply Chain Manager at Procter & Gamble Nordics.
Shareholding: No shares